Sunday, October 14, 2018

Blog Post #4- Gender in Advertising

What are The Major differences in the ads?:

  • One ad is portrayed with a boy and the other a girl.
  • They are wearing clothes that would be associated with their gender.
  • Color schemes are different.
  • Vocabulary used in ads are different.
    • "The Little Scholar" and "The Social Butterfly"
Did my Perception of GAP Change After analyzing the ads?:
          My Perception of GAP did not change because I personally have never worn or wanted to wear GAP Clothes and these ads did not do anything to really change my mind about that. 

How do I think and feel about the ways boys and girls are depicted in these Ads:
           I think that the boy is depicted as a future scholar that has a bright future and is going far in life and is planning to do so. I think the girl on the other hand is portrayed more as if she is focused on her physical appearance as the most important thing in life and is super enveloped by what other people think of her and how she looks.

Should Anything be done about these ads?:
           I believe that rather than removing the ads from society they should make ads that offer the counterparts to each depiction. So they should have an ad depicting a girl as a scholar and a boy as like a rock star or something along those lines. It would make it so they still have the depiction of the original ad as well as offering equality and diversity in the new ads.

What can be done about gender stereotyping in ads, especially at such a young age?:
           I think that the only thing that can be done is companies also giving diversity in ads so then it can show the progress of society as well as keep the same kind of ads that have been used to appease to the people that believe in older ideals as well.

What are My overall Impressions of GAP as a company after analyzing these ads?:
          I think that GAP is a normal company that has not really done anything wrong they just were making ads and probably did not give it a second thought about what they were saying. Though I do not like GAP clothes I cannot say I despise them as a company just for putting out an ad showing off new children's clothes. 
Image result for GAP ad future scholarImage result for gap social butterfly ad

Monday, October 1, 2018

Blog Post #3- Advertising, Happiness, and The End of the World

I personally is my happiest when I am engaging n some kind of athletic activity. Preferably that activity is football, but any kind of activity usually makes me really happy. For some people physical activity is not so fun but for me it is what really I feel defines who I am. I think that the national happiness index is a good idea because it shows that some countries are generally happier than others and it is important to know that the country you live in may not be the happiest. This is important to know because it shows that maybe an attitude adjustment may needed to try and spread positivity and improve the happiness of a country. I believe the best way to measure the happiness of a country is by the way people interact with each other . If people are happy I believe that they will generally try to be positive and be nicer to people. So if the country that you live in generally is not filled with the nicest people it shows how maybe those people are not so happy.

The story “I’ve Been Called a Luddite” implies that technology has impaired the happiness of many and has made the world a lot harder place to live in. I think that in some ways this is true. It really brings down the amount of human interaction because everything is done electronically and not manually. It also makes it a lot easier to bully people because the bully is hidden behind a username and a screen. Though in some cases it makes people a lot happier because it offers hours of entertainment and can really be a good bonding point for people.

The NY times article But Will it Make you Happy” implies that the more fancy and expensive things that someone has does not mean that they are going to end up happier than someone who has just enough things to survive. The more luxuries a person has can actually end up making them sadder because now they do not have as much time to enjoy the smaller things like time with their family because they are too focused on how they do not have the latest model of the iPhone or something along those lines. It really advocates for the idea that money can’t buy happiness. The expression keep up with the joneses can is when someone tries to emulate or “one-up” their neighbor. Just because someone that lives closer to you has newer more expensive items does not mean that they are better. Some items that they have may not have the sentimental value of the that you have with yours. I think that a car is a perfect example of this. If there has been a car n a family for years it becomes more than just a car. It becomes a place that holds countless memories of road trips, arguments, jamming to music, and fun times with your family. Though it may be from the year 2000 and not the fancy 2019 car that just hit the market it ends up being more valuable because of the memories. I do agree with the stance that this article takes to an extent because I do think that luxuries can impede on the more important aspects of life but I do also enjoy some of my fancy technology because it find it entertaining.
Image of some of my teammates, coaches, and me after a win
(holding up two fingers because it was our second win)

This is my Practice IOC of "The Handmaid's Tale" Pages 24-25.